On November 16th, 2023, the lead lobbyist for NDA Elias Gerasoulis of The Livingston Group (TLG) and Dr. David Grigorian met with Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) in the US House of Representatives to brief the Congressman and his team ahead of their travel to Armenia.
This meeting culminated weeks-long communication by TLG with the Congressman’s office to bring him up to speed with developments in Armenia and Artsakh and prepare a meeting between the Congressman and NDA leadership in Yerevan.

NDA wishes to thank TLG for making the November 19 meeting with Congressman Wilson, Congresswoman Spartz, and Steven Schrage (Executive Director of the U.S Helsinki Commission) possible and expresses its appreciation of all efforts on behalf of NDA to maintain a channel of communication with the US government and help make NDA’s voice heard in Washington.

NDA Governing Council

November 22, 2023