Lately, the Azeri-Turkish propaganda machine has started a falsification campaign alleging that a number of terrorist groups are operating in Armenia. The intent of these fabrications is to deceive the international community and under the guise of “anti-terror” operations justify a new aggression against Armenia by occupying the Syunik region along with the so-called enclaves.
It is against this backdrop that Nikol’s collaborationist administration, in the name of phony initiative of “Era of Peace”, decided to help the enemy in the spirit of solidarity in neutralizing the so called “terrorists” in Armenia. Thus Pashinyan once again is intentionally reinforcing Aliev’s concocted pretext to invade Armenia.
One after the other, Nikol’s unsophisticated producers of staged events, have created pathetic reports and videos filled with threatening statements, in an attempt to form public opinion that the old and new “terrorists” are operating in Armenia.
However, the goal of these “ingenious” special operations orchestrated by Nikol’s populist administration, which in reality is a perversion of democracy, is much more sinister than just “neutralizing” terrorists. Pashinyan’s regime, under the guise of democracy and the artificially created “need” to fight terrorism, is actually subjugating the public opinion to psychological terror, thus “legitimizing” his authoritarianism, which inevitably follows with political persecution. Thus by casting a shadow of suspicion on NDA, for the false premise of terrorism, Pashinyan wants to neutralize the only political opposition to his intention to sign the fatal capitulation treaty with Azerbaijan, by politically persecuting the members of National Democratic Alliance (NDA).
The concocted “evidence” against NDA is taken straight out of a KGB handbook, where with a 3rd grader’s poor grammar, but perfectly legible handwriting, the following 3 words are written: “NDA night activists”. With these non-sensical 3 words, Nikol’s regime wants to associate NDA with presumed and orchestrated intent of terrorism, thus attempting to demonize the only political force in Armenia that has voiced its opposition to Armenia’s participation in the 3+3 format of regional cooperation. Three of the participants are Armenia’s enemies: Turkey, Azerbaijan and Russia, while Armenia’s true ally the West is intentionally left out.
Pashinyan’s regime is willing to blatantly violate the law if it serves their illegal purposes. Thus parading the handwritten piece of paper as “evidence” of whatever it was supposed to be, where among other things “NDA night activists” was written on it, is in violation of confidentiality law on information obtained for the preliminary investigation. Of course, after Pashinyan hands over Armenia to the Greater Turan he will no longer need to hide behind the democracy mask and he could unhindered put down any popular uprising against Turanism in all possible means that an authoritarian regime could allow itself.
We can draw the following 4 conclusions from the current actions of Nikol’s regime?

1. Under the guise of democracy, they are preparing a new fatal act of signing the capitulation agreement, which will be the prelude to Turanism.
2. They are preparing grounds for retaliation and political persecution of all opponents of Turanism by demonizing and slandering the opposition in the public consciousness, in order to prevent the inevitable new wave of protests against the regime.
3. The concoction of this “special operation”, intended to benefit Nikol’s plans, reveals the total inadequacy and immaturity of the regime, where talentless producers and performers staged a hastily put performance of total debacle.
4. Getting out of Russian control, Pashinyan is not moving to the democratic West, but rather toward the 3+3 authoritarian axis, which will be a new concentration camp of Turko-Bolsheviks where Armenia will be the prisoner in that camp.

The National Democratic Alliance declares that it has nothing to do with the “newly discovered terrorists”. NDA has undergone all kinds of political persecutions in the past and cannot be intimidated by such talentless performances.
The NDA will continue its public political struggle against Nikol’s defeatism, including but not limited to all legal forms of civil disobedience, direct democracy and peaceful insurrection.

The expulsion of Nikol Pashinyan has no alternative.
National Democratic Alliance Council
November 6, 2023 Yerevan